Pitch your video game to publishers and distributors

Price On Call


Type : Trade
Condition : New
Warranty : Others
Location : Paris, France

Video games industry veteran and want to help indie developers and smaller publishers to gain access to opportunities previously not within their reach. Depending on the title, scope, production values and budget requirements I can pitch in progress or finished games to publishers and distributors worldwide for a publishing and/or distribution deal. Get your game project in front of decision makers most relevant for your title.

Basic Package:

Since this is a longer process of negotiation my basic service includes the pitch and then I will pass the contacts to you in case there is interest to discuss a deal or at least see more of the game to make a decision (vertical slice or an early demo). This will be a mailing to 30 publishers/distributors.

Standard Package:

I’ll get your game in front of 50 publishers/distributors in the same way as in the basic package.

Premium Package:

I will fine tune your pitch and mail it out to all my contacts within the industry relevant for your genre and deal size. I will then follow up weekly by phone until we get an answer and I will participate in the zoom calls following us establishing interest.

I will select 25 publishers relevant to your game genre and pitch them your title $150

I will select 50 publishers relevant to your game genre and pitch them your title $200

Same as the standard package but with phone follow ups $300

Mention grameenee.com when calling seller to get a good deal +60146600753 Whatsapp number 

Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers